Monday, February 13, 2012

I know nothing about gardening. I planted wildflower seeds directly in my garden. Are they going to grow?

I didn't know anything about starting them indoors and now I am reading all this stuff on them and I'm worried. My mom passed away this winter and she was the one to do all this stuff and I've never really payed attention. Actually she always just bought flowers. Anyways. I planted them well after any chance of frost and I water them everyday. They are in a mostly sunny partly shady area which they called for. I also planted a vine. Should I just count it as a loss and go buy flowers or do you think there is hope?

I know nothing about gardening. I planted wildflower seeds directly in my garden. Are they going to grow?
I too planted wildflower seeds in a shady/sunny part of my garden, I watered them every morning and I did get some flowers after a while (can't remember how long) but I didn't get near what the container said I would get nor did they ever look real healthy. I am sure I did everything right but I think its easier just to buy flowers and plant them. Though saying that there is something about feeling like you actually grew them from seed which is a pretty good feeling.
Reply:yes they can grow, just plant it in the area were there is available sunlight and the soil mjust always be moist
Reply:You're doing just fine. They should sprout within 2 weeks. Be patient and keep surface watering daily. Once you see sprouts (cosmos is usually first up and easily recognized) fertilize them weekly. MiracleGro is superior. My wild things are 10" tall now. You'll love it.
Reply:Best time to plant wild flowers are early spring. When the ice melts and the general temperature rises slightly. Do not water them every day, You might drown the germinating seeds. Rather water them every 3rd day. These flowers are very resilient and should have no problem growing.
Reply:Keep daily watering, the seeds have to have moisture to germinate. They will grow eventually. Should anyway. Don't oversoak the ground, buy keep it moist. If you can water in the morning, this will allow the soil to heat through the day, best for flowers/seeds
Reply:Some seeds are planted in the fall, and wait for the rain to start them. Other are started in the Spring end of March in Calif. and of course wait for Spring rain to start them as well. We only had 4" of rain this past season, so now we have wild fires. There is hope, be patient, hope for rain, then stand back and watch them grow. I wish there was a way that you could report back and brag about your new flower garden. Hoyakins

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