Friday, January 27, 2012

Why is it impossible to use this year flower seed for plantation?

Not understanding your question, are you asking why you can't use a seed that is harvested this year, and used immediately? If so, the answer is that it depends on the seed type. Some seeds need to be single dormant periods, others need double dormant periods. Some have odd seed coatings that require treatment (seed coat dormant), probably there because a lot of seeds need to pass threw the gut of a bird/ animal to "treat" the coat and ready it to grow. Most veggie's and annuals don't need a dormancy or treatment but you probably could check a good gardening encyclopedia for a list. Wyman's Encyclopedia has one and there must be one on line. Also look up "layering and stratifying of seed" and new regimens for dormancy which just use plastic bags in a common refrigerator.

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