Friday, January 27, 2012

Theres a store that has seeds for flowers on sale really cheap and I want to know is there a way to store them

till next yr? how? or will they be any good next spring?

Theres a store that has seeds for flowers on sale really cheap and I want to know is there a way to store them
The seeds that a person buys at a store (in packets) are dry and ready for planting. I have collected my own personal favorites and dried them. When seeds are dry they will keep indefinitely. I have had seeds for over 4 years that I kept out in cool, dark, and dry that have sprouted. But those were not favorites. My favorites I keep in air tight containers in the freezer, this keeps them fresh longer. I had some in freezer for 10 years that I brought out thinking they were no good after that long, and they still sprouted. I am still learning though. I was watching educational channel when they were in the pyramids and found seeds. Out of curiosity they had planted some and they grew. So I guess as long as you keep them cool, dark, and dry they will keep for (how ever long they were in pyramids) a long time. good luck in your gardening experience.
Reply:Store the seeds in their packs in a glass bottle in you fridge.

Some seeds need cold temperatures to germinate next year and this will ensure they are chilled. All seeds stay fresh this way.
Reply:Yes, you can store the seeds. I often buy seeds at the end of the season when they are on sale and store them. I have also gathered seeds from my wildflower meadow and saved them. I've had really good luck.
Reply:They should keep fine until next year if you store them in a cool, dark, dry place such as an unheated garage, basement, or pantry. Certain seeds will not germinate as well the second or third year, but most seed packets have more than enough seeds in them, so this usually isn't a problem.

I store my seeds in the basement in an old metal bread box which has a lid that fits just tight enough to keep out light and vermin. If you have any mice that move in for the winter, they might eat most of your seed if it isn't in a secure box (unless you're lucky enough to trap all of them before they find it).
Reply:They will probably be just fine. Store them in a dry place. I have used some seeds that were a year old or more and maybe not every single seed will germinate, but most will.

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