Monday, January 30, 2012

What seeds of flowers, or ground cover can I plant in South Eastern PA at this time of year?

I really like alyssum and nasturtiums. They germinate well and come up pretty fast. Same with zinnia and certain kinds of marigold. Dianthus has a fast germination rate but I've no personal experience with it. Daisies would probably work too but they can be pretty invasive. Cosmos, I think go from seed to flower pretty quickly. Nigella and herbs can come up pretty quickly as well.

If you're browsing the seed rack, on the backs of each packets it usually lists Days to Bloom, or at least, Days to Germination. You don't want ones that are particularly long or they won't have time to bloom before the first frost.

Most of the ground covers I use are perennials, which I never have luck with starting from seed and just buy starter flats. Alyssum and Lobelia can be pretty good ground covers for just this summer, and if you put nasturtium seeds relatively close to each other it can act as a ground cover as well.

Good luck, and try to get the seeds in the ground as soon as possible!

What seeds of flowers, or ground cover can I plant in South Eastern PA at this time of year?
Zinnias grow well, but for ground cover I think Nasturtium looks really nice.
Reply:Just about anything you want. Do it soon,in a week or two it might be too late in the season.

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