Monday, January 30, 2012

If one ovary of a flower contains 9 ovules how many fruits will develop? how many seeds could be produced?


Do plants that do not reproduce bby seeds have flowers? ie. Begonia, banana, pineapple, Bryophyllum...?

do ALL those types of plants flower?

Also, does heat travel faster through liquids, gases or solids?

will water evaporate in a refrigerator?

Do plants that do not reproduce bby seeds have flowers? ie. Begonia, banana, pineapple, Bryophyllum...?
Bananas have seeds - it is that black line thru the center. They have flowers - it is how they are fertilised to produce fruit. Plants that reproduce by means other than seeds (the banana is a trick question!) don't need flowers, the 'earlier' evolutionary path items such as ferns, fungi, etc have other means. Bananas have apparently 'evolved' to the extent that they reproduce by tuber - or shoot - one conjecture was that it had something to do with mankind cultivating them!

Heat travels thru solids by conduction, thru liquids by convection, and thru gases by convection, and sometimes radiation. As to 'faster - well conduction thru a solid is often faster due to the 'conduction properties of some solids being better than others, for instance a silver rod will conduct heat more readily than a chunk of mica, or ceramics (Space Shuttle heat shield tiles!). Gases and liquids may conduct heat better than thru stuff like mica or ceramics - which are a heat insulators.

Water will 'sublime' in a fridge or freezer - go directly from solid to gas - and you do NOT need a fan.
Reply:Plants that don't reproduce by seed are Ferns and fungi, which reproduce by spores.

Begonias flower, bananas flower, pineapple is the flower.

Water is the most conductive, next to copper which would be a solid.

Yes, over time water will evaporate in the fridge.
Reply:tubers, gasses,yea, there is a fan in the frig
Reply:ad plant part of question ...

This is a little confused question.

Begonia, banana, pineapple and Bryophyllum, all of them generally can reproduce by seeds. And of course, all flower.

Yes, there are some species of these plant, mostly planted for agricultural or ornamental purposes, which are not propagated by seeds from various reasons. But their close relatives always have viable seeds.

Seed plants, ie. flowering plants, conifers, cycads, ginkgos and gnetophyta are defined (and named) as "having seeds". There are some rare exceptions, for example some opuntias, which are not able have seeds and they are reproduced only vegetatively. But all of these cases are young, propably short-term and their close relatives always have seeds.

And for johnknow %26amp; reynwate: Fungi ARE NOT plants, this is only posthumous child of old and/or bad schoolbooks. In fact, fungi are close relatives of animals and we share with fungi a lot of interesting characteristics, e.g. type of flagellum.
Reply:those are flowering plants

yes they produce flowers

horns costume

When should you plant the seeds from a Hibiscus Tree?

I have a hibiscus tree and when the flower blooms fall off the seed pods that are left dry and become brown. Should I plant them now and keep the tree inside during the winter so it will grow enough to plant next summer? Or should I wait until after the frost next spring?

When should you plant the seeds from a Hibiscus Tree?
A tropical hibiscus tree (that is what i see in the picture) will die in the winter. They do not like to be below 45 degrees. if you planted them now you would definately have to bring in it for the winter and then maybe take it outside for some light in the spring and summer and then bring back in for winter again just the same as you would the plant you already have. You cannot leave a tropical outside unless you live in a very warm climate. On the other hand, you can get many perennial hibiscus such as southern belle which are very hardy and will get about4 to 5 ft tall. These look almost as pretty as the tropical but the leaves arent as waxy looking. You can easily propagate these by seeds now or in spring and leave right outside all the time.
Reply:You would be better off looking around on the ground under the hibiscus. Many of the seeds that have fallen will grow into seedlings. If you dig out some of those you avoid the delay and risk of going with seeds because they are already started.

As the person above pointed out the ones that grow in a temperate climate are Rose of Sharon and grow there as a perennial bush up to about ten feet high. If you have just a tropical one it won't survive outdoors (although you could bring it in and get it to limp through the winter inside for bringing out next spring - I did that last winter).
Reply:Hibiscus "Tree"? Locally the Rose of Sharon grows as a tree, and seeds can be planted when ripe or saved until early spring after storing in the fridge over winter.

If you have a tropical Hibiscus trained as a topiary tree, forget seeds , just don't even bother..with seeds.

Definetly if it is a potted hibiscus, bring in for the winter and give it all the light possible, turn it 1/4 turn every day.

What's a foolproof flower to grow from a seed in a small pot?

I want to give out little terra cotta pots and seed packets as party favors for a kid's party in April. It's got to be non-toxic.

What's a foolproof flower to grow from a seed in a small pot?
Nasturtiums! They are amazingly easy to grow, the seeds are large enough for a child to handle, they come in bright colors and they are even used in salads and as a garnish!
Reply:marigolds!....are foolproof!, and grow just about anywhere!
Reply:Marigolds! They will grow ANYWHERE! If you want color other than yellow/gold, then zinnias are a good choice as well, but marigolds are all-but-impossible to kill :-)
Reply:One thing is linseeds/flax seeds from the supermarket they are very fast growing, are small and have pretty blue flowers

Hiking Shoes

Why are the vines of my moon flower purple?

I have moon flower plans, Ipomoea Alba. And I collected seeds form one and planted them. The seeds came up beautiful but with one problem, the vine and leaves have a purple color. The vines are completely a rich purple and the veins in the leaves are purple as well. I am wondering if they are some sort of hybrid or something, or perhaps there is something too rich, or lacking for that matter in the soil. Will they still produce the beautiful white flowers?

Why are the vines of my moon flower purple?
Glenn is correct. The "Alba" is a hybrid; seeds from hybrid plants very often do not appear the same as the plant you collected them from.

I've experienced this with the "Heavenly Blue" hybrid of convolulus (morning glory). It reseeded itself, and the following years all those seedlings produced nondescript purple flowers.

Best to purchase new plants or seeds year to year, Hon.
Reply:the hybrid=cultivar was the 'alba'=white. the seeds reverted to the parent plant. no
Reply:Is there a chance that the seed might not have been labeled correctly? The plant/vine you describe sounds similar to a purple hyacinth bean vine. You might just have to wait until it blooms to find your answer.

  • great wear
  • Where do conifers and flowering plant produce seeds?

    where do conifers and flowering plant produce seeds? (my little sister needs help with this shes 8)

    Where do conifers and flowering plant produce seeds?
    Conifers produce seeds in thier cones, go here for detailed information...

    Go here for information on flowering plants...

    Any one allergic to sunflower seeds?

    Yes I am allergic to sun flower seeds (I'm not sure about the plant). I have been sence I was about eight ,and have not yet found anyone that is also allergic to the ,in my eyes, demond seeds. And no I'm not allergic to peanuts.

    Any one allergic to sunflower seeds?
    I'm allergic to sunflower seeds and pine nuts -- but not peanuts. My wife is an allergist and she skin tested me to make sure I'm really allergic.
    Reply:I'm allergic to sunflower seeds, flowers, leaves, the whole works. And I'm not allergic to peanuts, either.
    Reply:i am allergic to sunflower seeds, oil the whole thing . i have been since i was 6 im not allergic to peanuts ethier

    What seeds of flowers, or ground cover can I plant in South Eastern PA at this time of year?

    I really like alyssum and nasturtiums. They germinate well and come up pretty fast. Same with zinnia and certain kinds of marigold. Dianthus has a fast germination rate but I've no personal experience with it. Daisies would probably work too but they can be pretty invasive. Cosmos, I think go from seed to flower pretty quickly. Nigella and herbs can come up pretty quickly as well.

    If you're browsing the seed rack, on the backs of each packets it usually lists Days to Bloom, or at least, Days to Germination. You don't want ones that are particularly long or they won't have time to bloom before the first frost.

    Most of the ground covers I use are perennials, which I never have luck with starting from seed and just buy starter flats. Alyssum and Lobelia can be pretty good ground covers for just this summer, and if you put nasturtium seeds relatively close to each other it can act as a ground cover as well.

    Good luck, and try to get the seeds in the ground as soon as possible!

    What seeds of flowers, or ground cover can I plant in South Eastern PA at this time of year?
    Zinnias grow well, but for ground cover I think Nasturtium looks really nice.
    Reply:Just about anything you want. Do it soon,in a week or two it might be too late in the season.

    shared web hosting

    After a flower is pllinated, which part of the flower becomes the seed?

    Which part of the flower becomes the fruit?

    please help i need to know for the test

    and cant find the answer anywhere

    After a flower is pllinated, which part of the flower becomes the seed?
    The ovule becomes the seed after fertilization:

    To read about the "flower to fruit" path, go to:

    After a flower is pollinated, which part of the flower becomes the seed?

    Which part of the flower becomes the fruit?

    please help i need to know for the test

    and cant find the answer anywhere

    After a flower is pollinated, which part of the flower becomes the seed?
    1) which part of a flower becomes fruit ?

    = It is the ovary that turns in to a fruit .

    To locate an ovary kindly click on the link below to see a labeled diagram =

    2) After a flower is pollinated, which part of the flower becomes the seed?

    The ovary encloses one to many seeds inside . After fertilization these ovules turn in to seeds .

    From = A Botanist
    Reply:Fruit in botany is defined as ripened ovary.

    The ovule which can be found inside the ovary will become the seed. Other part of the flower like petal and sepal will not become the part of the flower.

    However, sometime a fruit can be formed by other part of flower, such as the receptacle of the flower. In this case, the fruit is named as accessory fruit.

    Example: Apple, pear (ovary part is papery, inside the edible part.) strawberry

    Fruit - Ovary

    Seed - Ovule
    Reply:the ovary or ovule
    Reply:A fertilized ovule becomes a seed (except in odd cases like dandelion, which is apomictic). The matured, ripened ovary and all accessory parts becomes the fruit.

  • make up brushes
  • Where can a find a identification chart for flower seedlings?

    i bought a bunch of packs of seeds of many different flowers and now they are growing and i can't tell what is weeds and what is flowers and which flowers are which?

    Where can a find a identification chart for flower seedlings?
    Many of the photos on the site listed below include seedlings.
    Reply:Check with your local Library,also your Internet will have some things about this,but I would leave the garden untill one of the plants flower,look closely at the flowering plant and elimanate the ones that are weed looking, also instead of getting a book on flowers get one on weeds.
    Reply:have you tried your local nursery or possibly the library.
    Reply:Go to Yahoo or Google and look it up.

    Can you plant roses from the seed found inside the flower?

    Are those the seeds? When the petals fall off, theres that ball on the stem, when you break it open there is like "fur" and little seeds thats look like apple seeds, can I plant them? If so how long and hard is it? What does it look like after sprouting?

    Thank you

    Can you plant roses from the seed found inside the flower?
    if the seeds you collected are little and seem 'empty' and dry and plate... You won't have roses. But if they look like an apple seed (big, quite round shaped or spherical) you may succeed in growing a rose! Have patience! Good luck!
    Reply:Yes they are seeds. They will grow, but it will take years to flower and may not look good at all. Roses as we know them are grafted on the root stock from a known plant.
    Reply:Yes, it is possible to grow roses from seeds. New varieties of roses are sometimes "created" this way. If you try it, and the seeds grow, you may get a stunning rose, or you may get something from the shallow end of the gene pool. But, you will never know unless you try.

    I've some rose hips I need to break open and try this with.

    Good luck.
    Reply:It is very hard to grow roses from those seeds. Many of the rosebud hips are sterile.They make roses this way(if make is the right word) so people cannot copy the rose varities. You may not be aware of it, but every branded rose variety has a copyright or licence, and cannot be grown without permission of rose breeder. So the answer to your question is-no.

    rain roots

    How to get grass out of a flower bed.?

    We moved in last year, but we put our yard in after I created a flower bed, so the grass seed blew into the flower bed, and now it's more like a grass bed with a few flowers in it. How do I get the grass out? I don't mind if I have to kill the underlying flowers becasue I can plant more, but I just want the grass to go away. Any suggestions, products, anything?!?

    How to get grass out of a flower bed.?
    You can buy stuff to kill grass! However! Your new flower bed will be in danger and it will kill the flowers so ------hoe,pull,gripe,and probably work all day but better for the flower bed!
    Reply:All i can tell you is to just pull the grass that's growing in the flower bed (Try getting the roots out). And pull the grass every week.
    Reply:use about 3 inches of mulch,wood chips ,bark,pine needles.this should knock down the weeds.if the grass comes up through this they will be easer to pull,and will be good for the soil.
    Reply:One word, Electric boogaloo
    Reply:I would suggest the old fashion method of just pulling them up--if you use herbicides, you risk it affecting the newly planted flowers,
    Reply:you can get grass killer for flower beds at wal-mart... and it realy works. i use it all the time
    Reply:Get a rototiller. Use repeatedly over the affected area. Plant more flowers.
    Reply:round up weed killer in spray form just mind your flowers. it may look like it hasnt worked it takes upto 3 weeks to kill the weeds but it does get right down to the roots.
    Reply:Dig it out.
    Reply:Use a hoe and pull them out with your hand. That way you get all the roots. You could also till the ground but that can get expensive. Next time lay some of that black fabric material they sell at the home stores.

    Has anyone ever used those roll out seeds for flowers? do they work good? when is a good time to plant them?

    I bought two of those rolls last year. I wasn't pleased with the results. I ended up with a bunch of weeds and no flowers even though I followed the directions. I think it is easier and better to just plant seeds purchased from a reputable gardening company. Probably cheaper too.

    If you do decide to give the rolls a chance in your garden, purchase them from a gardening company and not a household discount catalog like I did. Its not worth the money.

    Has anyone ever used those roll out seeds for flowers? do they work good? when is a good time to plant them?
    I bought the seed rolls a couple of years ago, and I really liked the results. The plants came up uniformly and were well spaced. You plant them when you're sure all danger of frost is gone. Then just keep them watered.
    Reply:I put some late in the year and theey still come up good. In fact I had them for a few year after too. I finally mowed them over I got too many weeds in them. Read the package as to when to plant for your area.
    Reply:No I don't bother with those rolls. They are costly and you can just buy some flower seeds. And it is cheaper.

    I buy the cheap 10 cent seed packs and plant them.

    You have to find out when the last chance of frost is for your area. Once the last threat of frost is over then you can plant the seeds outdoors.

    How many months does it take for zinnias to flower from the time it is started from seed??

    i'm trying to grow flowers for the first time ,and under what conditions do zinnias flower ...i have the seed of a variety called polynesian zinnia and it says' best for tropics' on the seed packet,i live in the middle east.

    How many months does it take for zinnias to flower from the time it is started from seed??
    i started zinnias from seed in may and they bloomed in june. it depends on the amount of rain and how hot it is -- both when you plant the seeds and while they are growing. good luck!
    Reply:I started my zinnias in June and they have flower on them now. They have had flower on them for at lest two weeks.
    Reply:I started mine from seed in the spring and I can't remember for sure, but they were flowering before it was time to put them outside, so I think maybe two months. I used fluorescent lights to get them to grow and they did great. I haven't grown a Polynesian variety though.

  • refill
  • I want to grow flowers from seeds but it is late June and 100 in Sacto is this the wrong time to stard seeds?

    Give it a shot - its all about fun and learning.

    Seed's are cheap.

    I want to grow flowers from seeds but it is late June and 100 in Sacto is this the wrong time to stard seeds?
    You can successfully saw biennials and perennials: columbines, daisies, bellies, pansies or anything you like. Starting with September you can plant your seedlings where they will bloom next year.

    shoe labels

    If i eat dirt and swallow seeds, will flowers grow in my stomach?

    Sounds like you've been smokin' the seeds, not swallowing them!

    If i eat dirt and swallow seeds, will flowers grow in my stomach?
    good question. interesting! you have an amazing imagination.
    Reply:hahahaha..this is funny! my mom used to tell us pregnant women just ate watermelon seeds

    honestly I hope you really don't believe it could happen
    Reply:Nope. They won't stay still that long, won't have light, and your digestive juices will destroy anything that sprouted if it did "hang up" and find a pocket of dirt in there.
    Reply:Eating dirt can create negative bacteria in your intestines that could result in infection. Other than that, it will go through the typical process, through your large and small intestines and be eliminated.
    Reply:are you serious? is this a real question? If it stayed there long enough to grow the stomach acid would kill it. But I say stay there long enough because I think you would huh POOP it out first!
    Reply:NO OF CURES NOT but you will get very sick and besides you need the sun to help grow plants so don't try it you will get sick...................
    Reply:If you eat enough they will, provided they don't bury you too deep!
    Reply:no the acid in your stomach will destroy the seeds
    Reply:well well---sounds like u need a lesson in agriculture and obesity---if you swallow a water melon seed will it grow and make you fat looking---see this oughta answer yo question
    Reply:Hey great question. Just do it and see what happens. Happy flower growing in your stomach. Ha Ha.

    When is the best time to plant flowers (not seeds) in the northeast?

    I am from New York, near Poughkeepsie (zone 6 I think) and I believe the last frost here occurs sometime around the 15th of May. That is when I would begin planting most things outside. There are some things that can be planted earlier but unless you are sure wait till mid to late May. Also watch the weather to make sure you don't get a late frost that will kill your plants. Hope that helps.

    When is the best time to plant flowers (not seeds) in the northeast?
    this is what i said for another question. thanks

    well i worked at franks nursery and English gardens, so i would recommend some pansies or some other really hardy plants. its going to be cold a little longer but not by much. mostly cold at night. if they are hardy they can last the cold night. they can be under snow and still survive. make sure that you have good soil though. get some peat Moss (peat moss has other stuff that will make your soil the best it can be) and some more potting soil because the winter really messes up the soil. i would start as soon as possible because the sooner the better and that looks good for the other people walking by your place. it brightens everything up so much. when you go to by your plants ask for some other plants besides pansies (you want the pansies but you want to see some other choices). never over load it with too many plants though because it will look ugly. have fun and talk to you later, boothster

    PS. don't get them from walmart becuase they buy the cheapest plant around and they don't have deep roots. you want deep roots becuase they will die after a few weeks. there not worth it. the places i worked were good places to buy them (well not franks because they are out of business) they had deep roots and they lasted all summer. well panisies get long and stringy in a bout 5-6 weeks, but they are great to start with. get they smallest ones there. that way you have a long time to grow them. and if they havn't budded yet, even better. all jokes aside, in the sence of plants, you get what you pay for. ok talk to you later, bryson

    Can I plant seeds now for summer perennial flowers for next year?

    Can I just through a bunch of seeds in or is there a method for spacing and such?

    Can I plant seeds now for summer perennial flowers for next year?
    If you have already planted seeds %26amp; they are sprouting, you'll have to make sure you protect the seedlings with mulch. Because freezing of tender seedlings is a major concern when planting seeds, many people advocate waiting until after a killing frost before they sow seeds in the fall. "The timing is roughly the same as when tulip bulbs are planted-late enough to be sure your seeds will not sprout before winter. The point is to wait until the soil is so chilled that seed cannot sprout, but stays dormant until warming soil and moisture trigger germination in spring."

    Simply choose your site, prepare your ground, and sow your seed before the ground freezes. There's definitely less time-pressure on the gardener in fall than in spring. You can broadcast many perennial %26amp; wild flower seeds, pat them down, %26amp; allow frost heave to bury them. Make sure the ground has been freshly tilled %26amp; not hard-packed. You can also mix roughly ten parts of light sand or vermiculite to one pack of seed and simply sow it.

    Nature plants wildflowers in the fall. Flowers in the wild bloom, then "go to seed" ... dropping their seeds to propagate their individual species. Black-eyed Susans bloom in mid-summer, and then drops a large number of seeds from each dying flower in late summer. If weather cooperates, these seeds may sprout before winter. If it is dry and hostile for the seeds, they will simply lay there through the winter and sprout in spring.

    After Sowing. Once all your seed is evenly sown, do not rake or cover it with soil. (Some species require light to germinate.) Instead, simply compress the seed into the loose, bare soil. If your site is small, walking over the whole area, being careful to leave the area solid with footprints does just as well. Some people have been known to lay down an old sheet of plywood, and then jump on it to compress the seed into the soil. This is a very important step, since compressing the seed into soil creates all-important "seed to soil contact"-a major aid in successful seed germination.

    Here's some more methods for fall planting of summer-blooming perennial flower seeds :

    Good luck! Hope this is helpful.
    Reply:You're welcome! Thanks for letting me know this was useful :) Report It
    Reply:You could, but my fear would be that they'd sprout and not have enough time to get a good set of roots growing before a frost came a long and killed them. Then you'd have nothing. If you want to sow the seed this year, wait awhile until it's colder. Otherwise, plant em out next Spring after danger of frost. Basically it's a storage issue. Do you want to store the seeds in the ground over winter, or in your house?

    I am starting my flowers n starter pots from seeds how many seeds should go n ea. pot they are like 2" by 2"

    they are wildflower seeds like shasta daisy coreopsis, coneflowers, and sweet williams catch fly. should they even be started in starter pots?

    I am starting my flowers n starter pots from seeds how many seeds should go n ea. pot they are like 2" by 2"
    I always put 2-3 seeds per pot to start them (just in case they don't all germinate), and once they sprout and look nice and healthy (1-2 inches tall) I just take a pair of scissors and snip the extra ones, leaving the most healthy one to continue growing. I don't pull the extra ones out, because that may disturb the roots of the one I want to keep. Just a little snip.

    Those kinds of seeds don't need to be started indoors, but can be if you want to plant them outside as plants. They are easier to control placement that way...good luck!
    Reply:wildflowers dont need started in starter pots. they are really easy to take care of and will come up on their own fairly quickly if you plant them outdoors once it warms up and there is no threat of frost outside
    Reply:Depends on where you are at...I would do 1 seed/plant to a starter pot in order to make it easier to plant later. All of these seeds do wonderful just scattered into your garden area with out "starting" them.

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  • eyebrows liner
  • I have marigold plants . I have gathered the dried flowers and collected the seeds,the seeds have dried?

    I would like to know if i could sow them right away this year as i wanted some more plants to grow. I live in southern california , please advise.

    I have marigold plants . I have gathered the dried flowers and collected the seeds,the seeds have dried?
    just put the dried ones on the soli

    that's it..

    the plant come up of their ow and take care of them by separating them and replanting them nicely and you have alovely marigold orcahrd

    Reply:Yes you can. Plant the seeds in pots indoors, but leave them in front of a sunny window. When they have reached about 2" then transplant outdoors. Do it soon if you want flowers by late August or September.
    Reply:go and do it right now they r desperate to touch the soil

    How long does it take a columbine flower to go from seed to big enough to plant?

    Columbines started indoors can take close to a month to germinate. When they are about 3 inches tall, you can harden them off and plant them. Remember that you won't get blooms that first year (they will bloom on the second). However, they are self-seeding plants once they are established and you will never go without once you have them going!

    Almost forgot the best part! They seedlings usually very in color somewhat from their parent plants.

    Have fun!

    EDIT: If memory serves, they should be big enough to start setting them outside for a few hours (in mild weather in three to four weeks) and ready to plant soon afterwards.

    I will be starting flowers from seeds (indoors) best way ? and the best time to do so?

    And what does sowing mean/ thnx in advance

    I will be starting flowers from seeds (indoors) best way ? and the best time to do so?
    Your growing season may be completely different from mine. I live in Montreal. My sister in Arizona plays with her beautiful roses this time of year. My daughter in Savannah has magnolias blooming this time a year. So it all depends where you live.

    Seeds take about three months to go from seed to plant.

    Buy peat moss and dampen it thoroughly for a day. Place in container (less than 4 inche container.)

    Open a package of seed and pour a few seed only on a creased white paper. Tap gently on the paper so that seed roll down to different places on the damp soil.

    Depending on the size of the seed you may or may not have to cover it with soil. For most tiny seed you should not cover it with soil. Place container in plastic bag. You might place this on a warm place for two days then transfer to the brightest window or put it under lights.

    Seed germinate usually from 7-21 days but some may take as long as 2 months to germinate. You should not need to water the container if the plastic bag is firmly closed. Should soil begin to dry out add water with a spray only so as not to make seed go down too far.

    When seedlings have four leaves and are not too spindly, you can carefully remove some and place them in another similar container.
    Reply:Sowing is placing the seeds in media so they grow.... Most seed packets will give a recommendation on time to start indoors before your last frost date. Some plants are not recommended for starting indoors because they don't like to be transplanted. You can pick up cheap plug flats and media (dirt) from Lowes, Menards, etc. You don't need one of the expensive plant lights because your plants will be inside for a short period of time. Those cheap cool white fluorescent bulbs work fine. The seeds generally give a planting depth on the packet... follow that. Then place the containers/flats/whatever you plant them in under the lights just a few inches from the fluorescent light... it won't burn them, don't worry! Sunny windows generally aren't light enough so the plants will get really sprawly and leggy. Transplanting to outside generally shouldn't be done until after the last frost. Hope this helps...
    Reply:Sowing means planting. YOu can buy a plant lamp for about 10 bucks at walmarts or lowes. They work well.

    Take the seeds and lay them in a paper napkin (seperated seeds)

    keep it wet and the seeds will germinate and thanyou can plant them for faster growth. or just buy planting soil, use a potting can or what ever you choose and barely cover the seeds with soil.

    The lamp will help them, to grow. If you have a window which gets plenty of sunshine that's the place to have the planter.

    As for some plant starter food for the plant . those lil fertilizer sticks work well.
    Reply:Sowing means planting.The best time depends on your growing season and what your planting.

    For easy planting in the ground use egg cartons that are made of corrigated paper.After the seed has come up and your going to plant outside you can just cut little slits in the bottom of the container and put the whole thing in the ground. As the paper rots it will feed the seed.

    Plant the seeds about a month before you can plant them outside.

    Anyone here interested in flower seed swapping?

    I tried it on a few sites, it was fun

    Anyone here interested in flower seed swapping?
    I would love to be a part of that.
    Reply:It's against TOS to use Yahoo Answers for stuff like this, but there are lots of seed swapping sites online.
    Reply:I suppose it would depend upon what seeds you have and which ones you want.

    vacuum deodorizer

    How can you tell if it's weed or a plant/flower growing?

    I planted a lot of seeds of different flowers all over my garden two weeks ago!

    How can you tell if it's weed or a plant/flower growing?
    how did you plant the seeds? In a straight line or all over the place. If in a straight line that can help identify.

    Otherwise you may need to wait until they are a little bigger.

    As they grow you can just pull out ones that seem not to be wha you wanted

    There isa web-site that shows what flower and weed seedlings look like but I can't think of it right now. Will look in my many bookmarks and get back to you.

    another thing I sometimes do is go to a garden centre and look at real plants of the ones whose seeds I planted and then go home and identify them that way.

    good luck

    but once again, if unsure leave it for a little while. One year my brother in law pulled up almost all the poppy seedlings thinking they were a weed that looked quite similar at first!!!
    Reply:It is really hard to tell when they are young, but look around other places where you did not plant those seeds and see if the same little plantlets are coming up - if they are in your bed and your lawn, then they are weeds, normally. Also if they look organized, they are probably your seeds, rather than weeds. It will take a little time for the real leaves to appear (versus the first set or two, which are special) and so do not rush to compare them to the seed packet leaves - give them a little time.
    Reply:Some seed packages show what the seedlings of the flower look like. If you planted the seeds in a row, look for a line of seedlings all about the same stage of development. If you broadcast seeded the bed, then look for the most common form of seedling. Of course, a "weed" is defined as an unwanted plant in a given place! Grass is considered a weed if it invades your flower beds!
    Reply:Try to compare the foliage to the pictures on the seed packet or Internet images. Also, check the germination period on the seed packet. If it doesn't look like any weeds that you recognize, let it grown and see if it turns into something recognizable.
    Reply:All are flowers/plants. A weed is a flower/plant you don't want.

  • beauty tips
  • Flowers have bulbs and seeds?

    I have always had flags (iris) growing around the house and have always dug up the bulbs, separated them and re-planted them to get more of them. Recently I've been told that the pod that develops after the flower has dropped can also be planted and will grow into a new plant. I've been around these flowers all of my life and never noticed this happen naturally. Does anyone know what the deal is?

    Flowers have bulbs and seeds?
    I always deadhead my Iris before they have a chance to form pods. Just so you're clear, Iris don't grow from bulbs. They ggrow from rhizomes.

    Here's a site that discusses Flag Iris and their seedpods at least a little bit.

    If you grow a lot of flowers, plants, etc from seeds and want to sell them, how would you go about doing that?

    I have alot of extra flowers that I have planted and I was thinking about trying to sell some of them to places like Oscos, walmart, farm king and others, to make some extra money. I was wondering how would I contact or ask them about buying some. Does anyone work at one of those places and knows how they buy their flowers and plants? Thanks for the future answers, they will be appreciated.

    If you grow a lot of flowers, plants, etc from seeds and want to sell them, how would you go about doing that?
    Why not visit the floral departments of the stores you mentioned and get acquainted with the manager? You could ask them where they get their flowers and what volume of flowers they expect vendors to supply on a regular basis. Some grocery stores also sell flowers and often will feature locally grown products.

    Another possibility is to contact your local chamber of commerce and find out if there's a farmers' market in your community. You might be able to buy or share booth space and sell your flowers directly to people who shop at farmers markets.

    Chambers of commerce typically sponsor SCORE counselors. These people are retired business executives who provide free advice to people seeking to start a business. SCORE advisers might help you make contacts or get started in your business.
    Reply:Too costly to do it yourself. Too time consuming.
    Reply:Yes speak to the manager of businesses that have a Gardening department. More like, florists and local floral shops would be the best bet.
    Reply:just sell them to who ever and get your money

    What time of the year is it best to harvest spider plant seeds?

    My spider plant did extremely well outside in shaded sunlight. It bloomed small white flowers, which turned into seeds. Of course, I brought the plant in when the weather began to cool. The seeds are fresh and green, but I would like to pluck them to plant. It is mid-October, but I'd like to know the best time to harvest them, so I may plant them in the spring.

    What time of the year is it best to harvest spider plant seeds?
    kepep watch onthem.. When they start to dry and detach easliy from the plant they are ready to harvest. If you lpluck them too soon they will not produce plants.

    Also, ifyou are going to store the seeds, make sure you dry them well first.

    natural deodorants

    Starting plants from seeds- methods that work best?

    I've been starting flowers and veggies from seeds for several years and have noticed that some seeds are easy to start while others aren't. I'm wondering if the potting medium is a factor. I've been buying a soilless mix of vermiculite, peat moss and other ingredients and it seems to work well with most seeds. Can anyone offer advice? I know some seeds need light to germinate and some do better after soaking overnight

    Starting plants from seeds- methods that work best?
    I find that mostly plants from all kind of seed works best for this method,,,,

    Soil: I always choose a good compost! just go tot the garden depot and ask for good compost ....

    get a fair large aluminium tray / old deep plastic tray .... pok some hole at the buttom of the tray ... line the tray with fiber netting / old piece of cloth ( this is to prevent soil from draining off when you water the plants)......

    after which you place good compost in the tray, fill till 3/4 of the tray .... after which use your little finger and pke small holes onto the soil about the depth of 1 inch... and plac eyour see there...for large seed place 1 at a time, for small seed place a few inside and cover it with soil ... place a garden netting over the tray and secure with rubber bends or tape to the side of the tray. ensure that there is a space between the soil and the netting...( this is to ensure1)that wheny ou water the plants it will not wash-off the top soil, 2) maintain the humidity level..3) no bugs will eat them..

    use a spray to wetter the oil till it is wet and moist.. continue this wetting daily.. make sure that you don't 1) over water or 2) dry out the soil!! keep it moist ...keep in the seed tray in a green house or any area that is semi shaded, no strong wind or sun!

    in a week all the seeds will grow out...this method has never failed me for any type of seeds.(I've forgotten for big seeds ( those that i can keep up indiviually 1by 1 , i' soak them in normal tape water for 4 hours, not more.... just need water to "wake them up" not drown them
    Reply:I get the highest viability rate with the seeds I germinate when I put them between layers of moist paper towel in a clip seal bag on the window sill ( think bean sprouts as a kid) when sprouted transplant to seed raising mix. Some seeds do need some pretreatment, some with a tough seed coat may need to be gently filed back in a spot (careful don't break through and harm the embryo) and some will need to be soaked in hot water for about 20 minutes and some will need both or more...As to this I have found google to be your friend
    Reply:All type of seed germination is different.

    I use Jungle Growth mixed with 50 percent perlite .

    Some types need bottom heat / heat mat, some need nicked, some soaked, some types need cold stratification.

    Best take the type of flower and goolge how to grow by seed for the correct answer as their all different.

    Happy Growing !
    Reply:I've been starting my own flowers and veggies from seeds for years - my best results are from using a heated mat since I start early and keep the house cool at night. Also a cover to retain moisture until the seedlings emerge. Most seeds don't need light to germinate since they are under the soil - but the small ones you pat ontop like snapdragons do need light. Big seeds like sweet peas need to be soaked overnight. ALWAYS READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK OF THE SEED PACKAGE. I have a very high germination rate with the heat mat and peat pots or seed starter mix in a package.


    im not even trying to be funny or anything! last night i was eating sun flower seeds - and after i was done eating them i felt something stuck in my throat and i knew it was the seeds i had just ate ... so i drank some water ... and tried coughing and stuff but it didnt work ... so i thought if i went to sleep and woke up it might be gone ... but now its the next day and i can still feel this thing stuck on the left side of my throat!?!? what do i do? is there any trick i can do to make it go down?

    i already tried making myself throw up and i couldnt do it.

    Also i tried drinking water.

    is there any trick or home remedy you can think of that will make this thing go down ?! or any specific food or drink?

    thanks sooo much in advance!

    Eat an entire piece of bread at once, that will force the seed down the pipe. Be sure to have water handy to wash it down.
    Reply:sip a tablespoon of olive oil.
    Reply:eat a ball of bread (only the soft part), or try swallowing a handful of plain cooked rice (do not used water unless it has been swallowed).
    Reply:It could be just the impression of it still being there. I know its annoying but 90% of the time its just the impression its not really there. If your still having trouble by this afternoon call the urgent care and tell them they can look down your throat and see if its there or not.
    Reply:Ok...this is the time to call your doc %26amp; see if he thinks you should go to the emergency room...if it is stuck, %26amp; it somehow goes down the wrong pipe, you will be in a LOT of trouble. If it is just irritated, then you will be none the worse for wear.
    Reply:I would also have to go with eat the soft piece of bread. If that doesn't work, try a teaspoon of peanut butter.

    Hope you feel better soon..
    Reply:You should take your hands and gently masage your neck you will relax the mus ale and then swallow with luke worm water do this for ten minutes

  • neutrogena
  • How to you plant flowers from seeds?

    do u need soil or do u just dig a hole n put them in there

    How to you plant flowers from seeds?
    If you don't have soil, what would you be digging holes in???

    Try turning the packet over and reading the instructions.
    Reply:a way to be sure flowers will grow from seed:

    follow directions on seed packet for amount of water and planting seed depth

    use seed starter soil or rich, fertile soil

    at least 8 hours of light until they bloom then determine how much light/shade it needs

    it's easier to start 'em inside then transplant after certain height
    Reply:Different seeds have different requirements. The packet tells you when to plant, how deep, whether in sun or shade, how long to germination, etc.

    If you have okay soil, just plant in the soil. If not, buy a bag of potting mixture.

    If it is warm enough you can plant directly outside without having to start seeds in containers indoors.
    Reply:You want to determine the amount of sun light the area will get and then select the seed for the height of the plant. They usually will tell you the height and drip line for proper spacing.

    As far as soil, if you have nice rich soil you are fine. Otherwise you may need to cultivate and add soil.

    Unless they are bulbs or tubers, the hole will be really small...about the depth of the first joint of your finger...

    If I put mulch around my flowers that re-seed themselves will it stop the seeds from getting to the dirt?

    Will the mulch not allow the plants to re-seed themselves?

    If I put mulch around my flowers that re-seed themselves will it stop the seeds from getting to the dirt?
    the mulch will stop the seeds from getting into the soil, but it wo'nt stop the seeds that fall from germinating, then the roots of the new plants will look fot the needed nitrients, and it is under the mulch. best thing to do, pick off the mature flowers so you can sow the seeds somewhere else or you can share the seeds with some gardeners.
    Reply:When we mulched a flower garden a couple years ago, it drastically cut down the number of self-seeded flowers. In fact I haven't done it since because of that.
    Reply:No it will not stop them from reseeding. Just make sure your mulch is not too thick. I mulch all my gardens and things come back. I add good compost every spring and when everything is up I mulch again. Make sure your pH level is where it should be. I started using Blossom booster by Vigoro this year and things are loving it and appear much healthier.
    Reply:I think they will still re-seed themselves. However you might want to go out there with an envelope and collect the seeds when it starts to seed so that you will have seeds to plant your crop for the next year.
    Reply:they will do just fine. watering and rain will wash the seed down into the soil.
    Reply:mulch will reduce but not eliminate the number of seedlings that sprout. if you use mulch, don't put it on too thick, and fertilize often. decaying wood robs the soil of nitrogen. it also gives pests places to hide. better to use sweet peat or something like that around annuals and perennials. it's better for the soil and thus for the plants. if you don't want seedlings, it's easiest to lightly scratch the soil surface with a hand cultivator to uproot them when seedlings are tiny.

    shoe care products

    Is there any fat content in the pignoli nut or sun flower seed????

    for the pignoli nut, per 1 oz (28g) is 19g fat

    for the sunflower seed, in 1 oz (28g) is 14g fat.

    hope this helps!

    p.s check out the website.

    Is there any fat content in the pignoli nut or sun flower seed????
    Yes. It's probably mono-unsaturated but better minds than I might disagree. But there is a great deal of oils(fats) in oil seeds. Sunflower and pine nut are only two of dozens if not hundreds of specimens. It is the fats that make the seeds go rancid so quickly. I'm sure someone can tell you how to generally measure the fat content.

    Good luck.
    Reply:yes, a lot. both of them are almost 50% fat by weight.

    What is a good flower to plant in the fall?

    We are renovating our yard %26amp; I want some color! I live in North Texas %26amp; plan on planting something this weekend. We have sun %26amp; shade. We have a big tree in our yard so every part of the yard gets full sun %26amp; full shade at different times of the day. Also should I plant some seeds for spring flowers now or wait until March? Thanks :)

    What is a good flower to plant in the fall?
    most bulbs you plant in the fall. If you want flowers and color right away, then I suggest mum. They come in so many styles and color and color combination. They are perfect for fall. Also Kale, very pretty, mums will come back every year. As they start to grow keep pinching the tops till about July 18, then stop. You will end up with busy mums instead of tall lanky ones. Kale will not come back. Pansy. Now that a beautiful flower too. And most cases, will also come back. HAVE FUN!
    Reply:Amaryllis is an exellent flower to plant in fall bacause you can have it for years, it is so gorgeous, the colors are vivid and exotic.
    Reply:No seeds. You can plant bulbs now for spring. Fall flowers include Mums, Dalia's, and Pansies. They come in an outrageous variety of shapes and colors. Check your local nursery they usually only put out for sale what is appropriate to plant at the time.
    Reply:tulips colorful beautiful flowers. They come back every year.They like sun or sun with a little shade. good luck. i hope it is beautiful.

    Where can i find a seed depot that sells seeds?

    I'm trying to find seeds that grow flowers such as carnations, orchids, anthuruams, daisies, pompoms, lillies etc. The only problem is that i live in the carribean so i'm going to need a depot that does shipping and handling or maybe they can be sent via mail order.

    Where can i find a seed depot that sells seeds?
    I use Park Seed Company

    Greenwood SC 29647

    They provide a slew of different seeds, compatible with most climates, especially SC, where I live. Usually any book about gardening will have a section in the back with various seed companies listed. Also, a Search on the internet should provide a host of companies as well.

    good luck
    Reply:HOME DEPOT
    Reply:try walmart over the internet. or maybe home depot internetly. :) hope this helps.

    Reply:Seed depot......t

  • bee luscious cosmetics
  • Explain how the stalk enables the flower/plant to produce seeds and fruits?

    as far as i am aware, the stalk serves no real purpose other than structural. it is just the same t=stalk the flower grew off, and the flowers ovarys developsed into fruits

    colonial shoe buckles

    What part of a flower becomes the seed? Which part becomes the fruit?

    I'm doing biology homework, and I can't find the answer to those 2 questions. Thanks!

    What part of a flower becomes the seed? Which part becomes the fruit?
    A fruit is a ripened ovary. After the ovule in an ovary is fertilized in a process known as pollination, the ovary begins to ripen. The ovule develops into a seed and the ovary wall pericarp may become fleshy (as in berries or drupes), or form a hard outer covering (as in nuts). In some cases, the sepals, petals and/or stamens and style of the flower fall off. Fruit development continues until the seeds have matured. With some multiseeded fruits the extent to which the flesh develops is proportional to the number of fertilized ovules.

    How do I harvest and clean sunflower seeds?

    I grew many sunflowers this year, and they have dried up and died, but there are thousands of seeds in the flowers. How do I get these out and clean them to store for next year and to send to people and possibly sell? There are a LOT, so I would need to know how to deal with this many.

    How do I harvest and clean sunflower seeds?
    Take the head off the plant, hold it over newspaper or plastic and rub the seeds with your hand. The seeds will fall off the head fairly easily. Putting the seeds in a paper bag and bouncing it around should dislodge any blossom parts still attached. Spread them out in the sun so they can dry, they can mildew if they are not dried.

    Then google "Sunflower seeds" to find a good "Cook and salt" recipe.

    Good luck and have fun. I have about 30 heads to process.

    The seeds can be set out for birds and squrrils this winter.
    Reply:Excellent advice above, but do not give any salted seeds to wildlife.

    Does a Dandelion start out as a yellow flower or the poofy seed thing kids make wishes with?

    my one friend just will not believe me that it starts out as a yellow flower. and i just want to know which one of us is right. so like right as it grows out of the ground is a dandelion a yellow flower OR the poofy seed thing?

    Does a Dandelion start out as a yellow flower or the poofy seed thing kids make wishes with?
    It comes up as a tight green bud, opens into a bright yellow flower, then the flower withers and the poofy seed things develop, ready to carry the seeds somewhere else so the whole process can begin again.

    You are 100% correct in this.

    Where do you live that there aren't dandelions around to demonstrate? In our yard, they grow year round and they are very vigorous in their growth.
    Reply:That "poofy" thing is a dead dandelion, which was yellow.
    Reply:It starts out as the yellow flower. As it dies it changes into the poofy seed thing.
    Reply:First of it starts out as a doesnt start out as a white puffly thingy ma boober and it doesn't start out as a yellow flower ahem cough-weed-cough. Anydoodles it has its own cycle and second why in the world do you care! You must be like really bored or somethin
    Reply:The yellow flower is waiting to be pollinated. Then the " poofy " thing are the seeds of the plant being distributed.
    Reply:The normal development of any flower is sprouting, budding, blooming (the flower) and going to seed.

    The flower is used to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. They move from flower to flower and fertilize the female blooms with the male pollen. When that's done, the seeds can develop.

    Dandelion seeds have "wings" because they are meant to be spread by the wind. Milkweed and yucca plants do the same thing. Cottonwood trees also have them.

    Did you know that every part of the dandelion plant is edible? The young leaves can be added to salads. The blooms (flowers) can be fried in butter. You can even make dandelion wine from the plants. DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW NO ONE HAS SPRAYED WEED KILLER ON THEM.
    Reply:One of those seeds becomes a yellow flower and than turns into a bunch of seeds.

    Growing flowers and herbs from seeds... looking for tips?

    Can anyone help... I only have a balcony - no garden and my husband and I want to make it more bright and pleasant. We are trying to grow some herbs and flowers from seed. The problem is they get so far (about two inches high) and then they start to struggle. I live in spain, the temperature is about 15 degrees ish, the balcony is south facing and we currently have chives, parsley, basil and some flowers (which for the life if me I can't remember the name). We also have peppers and cucumbers (which are growing no problem!!) Any advice or tips would be gratefully appreciated.

    Growing flowers and herbs from seeds... looking for tips?
    you could try starting them in a starter greenhouse, with the trays on the bottom and a plastic cover or you could just get a portable greenhouse, they sell them in various sizes and you wouldnt have to worry about climate. also try using some fertilizer, but make sure its the kind you use for edibles, so as not to contaminate your herbs. make sure they have plenty of sunlight and keep them well watered, but not waterlogged. a good way to tell is if you press your finger on the soil, it should be damp and springy.

    good luck, herbs can be hard sometimes
    Reply:look on the backs of the seed pakets
    Reply:South sun too hot for baby plants, place your new pots behind pots that can shade them or get some screen (roll for a screen door) that is a sun blocker and put some of that around the balcony in the afternoon when the sun is the hottest. Keep a bucket or two of water around to dip from and also to keep the humidity up.
    Reply:Plant your seeds in pots or rockeries. May get some shade sunlight preferred. What you have now are excellent to start grow in pots.
    Reply:Don't crowd them, and they need lots of sun, also remember to feed the soil a lot, perhaps invest in an organic foliar feed like BioGrow.

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  • burts bees
  • Do passion flowers grow seeds?

    Do passion flowers grow seeds as in the actual flower the stem on our flower have produced a green like plum which contain white seeds

    Do passion flowers grow seeds?
    The Green pod that you described as a plum is the seed pod--this will dry if left on the vine and will burst out letting new seeds into the ground for the next upcoming year--

    We have some of these vines and really enjoy their blooms--

    You can harvest these pods yourself and plant in a specific place once the pod dries split open to plant the seeds-

    Reply:leave the pod on another month and eat them saving one for the seed

    Can you get seeds from cut flowers?

    I have a lot of cut flowers from a funeral and I would like to save as many as I can. Is it possible to save any of the flowers?

    Can you get seeds from cut flowers?
    No, you can't get seeds from cut flowers. The flower must stay on the plant for it to mature into seeds. Once a flower is cut, that's it, the only thing that will happen is it will die. Sorry. The only thing that I can suggest is find out what kind of flowers they are and buy the seeds in the store.
    Reply:Well, you could press the flowers or hang them upside down for a few days----- they will not wilt too much that way, and you can keep them pretty much forever. If you still want to use the seeds, though, then of course you can plant them. Just make sure you know the correct soil to use, the right amount of water, the right temperatures and light levels, and all of that good stuff!
    Reply:Yes, but let them go to seed before you cut them. Cut heads off and shake into a paper envelope. Never store seeds in plastic

    How do you grow a cheap yet beautiful flower garden?

    i would love to grow a garden at this time of year but i dont want to spend alot of money on it.I dont know whether its better to buy seeds or actual flowers to plant.i think it would be nice to put a white fence around it for a sense of privacy.Tell me what you think.I would also like a good estimate for the price too.Could anyone help me?

    How do you grow a cheap yet beautiful flower garden?
    some green house plants are inexpensive, take a look you'll find plenty

    nothing beats the low cost of seeds.

    hard to give you an estimate with out knowing how big your area is.

    a small 4x6 ft bed would need about $20 of plant flats or $5 of seeds (this same area of garden bed could easily cost $200 depending on what plants and other add-ons you choose)
    Reply:Okay, here is my advice from experience.

    I was very, very impoverished and yet I was simply infatuated by flowers of all kinds.

    What I did was make the decision to put myself up a greenhouse. Greenhouses do not have to be from kits or expensive like you see in advertising. What you do is collect windows and all the stuff you will need from salvage yards or places where there is going to be remodeling or demolition, with the help of a carpenter you find at a construction site who needs a side job. He can easily build you a little glass box. The most you will ever need is about an 8x12 room, have him put in some spacious shelving and make sure you have access to water, and you're in business.. All I ever had was a space heater and a rotating fan, and I gardened in my greenhouse starting in midFebruary. I grew so much stuff I had to start a nursery to get rid of it all. The stuff just kept growing so that I had many sets of starts that cranked out of that little room in the course of one springtime.

    But as for you, find yourself a nice seed house that offers a quality product at a reasonable price. They are out there. Stay away from the big fancy expensive guys. Start with stuff you can't really go wrong with--annuals are a safe bet. But continually keep pushing your limits. You never know what is going to be possible. By the end of my glorious career, I was growing Meconopsis species like marigolds. Hey, it's all in what you're willing to try.

    This is the cheapest way I know of to amass the kind of gorgeous displays that we all wish we could have. I had gardens you can only imagine-every year--for the price of the seed and my soil mix and a pack of pots. The heat was really only on for about a month. I kept the seedlings sort of "on the run" and heat'challenged--eh, it was good for 'em.

    Best of luck! It's way, way more fun this way, too. there is nothing to compare with working in a quiet greenhouse all day in February while the snow or the rain surrounds you.

    This is very easy to do. Join a local plant Share group. I'm part of a national one, thats based, in small communities all over the country, called community plant share, all the plants offered are free of charge. The most you will have to do is post your desires, needs and wants and then go pick them up, is someone responds.If there isn't one in your local community, consider stating one, by contacting community plant share.

    However if that is not your cup of tea, then check out Lowes home and garden center in the mornings or late at night, they normally have racks full of plants they mark down to .25 or half off , each Lowe's location is different, depending on management.. Right now is a perfect time to go experiment , with different plants and gets lots for your money.

    if i were you i would stay away from seeds, this time of year, they needs lots of water and care to spout, and unless your willing to stay on top of them... then leave them bee.

    If you post a little more info such as, what zone your in, if you have full sun or shade, then I'm certain everyone can give more advice. if you don't know your zone, than fill in with your city and state. Knowing this info, will help save you a great deal of money , because, then you can be advised of what will grow best in your climate conditions.

    I know I wasn't much help, but i love gardening and love to see others take it on as well. With that said i do wish you the very best in your personal gardening experience.
    Reply:Pansies and marigolds are super cheap. Go to a greenhouse and check out prices, you'd be surprised.

    I am thinking of making my own flower patch should i use seeds or pots?and should i use fake flowers?

    One of the best aspects of living is the anticipation of what's to come, thinking about that candlelit dinner tonight, what'll happen? That cinema/theatre that we're going to next week, can't wait!.

    Fake flowers? there all the time? eventually just part of the scenery, no feeling, just.... there.

    Planting seeds, watching them germinate, seeing those seedlings, fresh and green, watching them grow nurturing them. The anticipation in your mind of how colouful the flowers will be and, when they do arrive, the pleasure of knowing you've seen them develop from a seedling to this gorgeous flower, and YOU did it! Geez, natures wonderful.The best things, are worth waiting for :-)

    I am thinking of making my own flower patch should i use seeds or pots?and should i use fake flowers?
    Just make sure to plant them green side up.
    Reply:Forget the fake flowers and grow your own, but do it in pots so that you can take them with you when you move and bring them inside when the weather gets bad. There's such an amazing choice of pots these days of all shapes, sizes and colour and you can plant seeds suitable to each type of pot. Go along to your local garden centre - they will be able to advise you on what to get, what to plant and most important, how much it will cost.
    Reply:You are obviously new to gardening, firstly do not under any circumstances use fake flowers - that's gross. If I were you I would buy some potted perenials ( plants that come year after year ), once you have gained some experience I would then buy a few packets of flower seeds, but even then only ones that are easy to grow. Best of luck, you are starting an adventure that could end up being one of the most rewarding things you have ever done.
    Reply:i'd use pots they are easy to look after and has each flowering season changes you can change the flower in them. Why not plant some bulbs in too ready for early spring
    Reply:don't use fake flowers!!! throw a wild flower mix (seeds) over a plot of cultvated ground and watch what pops up-can be amazing!
    Reply:Seedlings already started from Home Depot, or Wamart, or a local nursery (Yahoo Local).
    Reply:It all depends on what sort of accommodation you have, how much space and time you have.

    If you live in a flat then you are better with off with pots. Also if you are pushed for time, or have a back problem.

    But if you have a large(ish) garden and/or plenty of time then grow flowers from seeds.

    If you want to see what looks in the space you have, talk to neighbours or someone from your local garden centre.
    Reply:Please don't use fake flowers. I've seen this done and it looks ugly. Like the person wanted pretty flowers but was too lazy to actually plant them. Transplants are quicker but can be more expensive. Seeds take longer to grow but there is more variety. If this is your first patch, start with the transplants. Perennials are better because they grow back. Annuals don't. If you decide you do like flower gardening, then get some pots and good seed-starting soil and start your seeds indoors. You can start them indoors in the cooler weather (late winter to early spring depending on the flower) and you'll have good seedlings to plant out in the spring.
    Reply:Use pots...or be sure you get late summer early fall blooming flowers. If you use the fake flowers, be sure to buy some fake gourds and melons and spray them with cooking oil so they glisten in the sun. (lol)
    Reply:For goodness sake - don't use false flowers...they looknaff mixwed in - use pots they ar nice with some ornaments...
    Reply:If you are restricted for space i.e. no soil, but patio, use pots and set seed or buy plants.If on the other hand you have a garden

    I would recommend a layer of compost and plenty of water and then set your seed or plants.Remember in this dry climate without plenty of water plants soon shrivel up.last year I laid two bags of compost on a barren patch under a tree and then set winter pansies which gave a super display from October to June.
    Reply:Early in the season you can use seeds and/or plants bought from a store. Use fake flowers for instant color or to accent the real ones, but remove them when they start fading.

    I've seen nice 'potted gardens' too, but I prefer flower beds over them. Gives a little more room to play in. I have annuals and perennials in mine so I can change the colors around or plant something totally different every year.

    Potted gardens outside require a lot more watering, too, since they have limited soil to draw water from.

    I suggest trying both and see which one works best for you. There's no law that says you can't keep potted plants in a flower bed.

    Just have fun with it, that's what I do.


    I have found small piles of seeds in each room of my house.?

    I have found 5 small piles of sun flower and small yellow seeds (like miniature popocorn seeds) in different rooms of my house. Each pile consists of about 30-40 seeds. They are not very well hidden, but are found behind or under something. We have yet to find a second pile in any one room. Weird.

    Im thinking its a chipmunk... or Im living in the next M Knight Shamaylan movie!

    I have found small piles of seeds in each room of my house.?
    Probably a rodent of some type, though chipmunks are not normally in homes, you are describing their habit of storing seeds from about mid July through the fall until they hibernate in their burrows. I would use a Hav-A-Heart type cage trap to remove it. Try placing an apple in the cage, and if caught, then dispose of it as you see fit. Look for any holes it may be using to gain access to your house from the outside where it is gathering the seeds. If you find it, place the trap near the entrance. If you can't locate it, put the trap where you located it's last stockpile of seeds.

    Reply:I'd set up a hidden camera in the rooms where the seeds "pop up", ASAP! You'll find out what's going on for sure.
    Reply:do u have a hamster on the loose?
    Reply:Sounds like mice to me.

  • highlight
  • How do I harvest sunflower seeds from the sunflower to plant next year?

    Last year, right before they moved, our neighbors gave us some sunflower seeds to plant. They got them from sunflowers they grew in their garden. Well, we planted them, and WOW! Beautiful sunflowers grew! Tall and large blooms. They are in a vase now, and I want to get their seeds and plant more for next year. How do I get seeds from these flowers? Do I cut the big blooms, dry them somehow? I am NOT a green thumb gardener, so the more detail the better for me! Thank you in advance for your suggestions. (I wish I could post a picture, they are just beautiful!)

    How do I harvest sunflower seeds from the sunflower to plant next year?
    I just laid my sunflowers on a table on the back porch.Took a couple of weeks. They dried out and I sorta bent them backward and the seeds came out. Next time I will try hanging them upside down. Thats how I dry my herbs. Just curious to see how they do that way. Some people put the head of the flower in a paper bag and tie a string around it. There is really no trick. Just keep them dry. We laid some outside and watch the birds have a feast. They had NO trouble getting the seeds out. m
    Reply:Hang them upside down in cool dry place and place newspapers on the ground or floor under them. The flowers should dry in a couple of weeks and then you can harvest the seeds.
    Reply:They're supposed to be harvested when the back of the flower head turns from green to brown. Before that, the seeds may not be completely ripe, and so may not germinate.

    Then let the heads dry completely. Shake out or pick out the seeds when very dry, put in a clean glass jar or other container, and store in a cool, dry place until time to plant next year.

    Enjoy them!
    Reply:And most important, put them in a place impenatrable to squirrels.
    Reply:Wait for them to dry out and just gather the seeds. That's it. They should grow just fine next year. The bloom will wilt by itself anyway. You can cut if off when it starts to hang. Just set it out and it will dry by itself.

    I am looking for the product I seen on TV, It is flowers in a roll that you just put in your flower bed.?

    Does any one know where I can buy the flower seeds already planted into a artifical turff? All you do is measure where you want to plant it and cut to the desired size. It will not let weeds come up in your new flower garden. It is suppose to have a hundred different flowers planted in it. Please le me know where to find it. I saw it on a comercial on TV but do not remember what the name was.

    Thank you

    Biker Mom

    I am looking for the product I seen on TV, It is flowers in a roll that you just put in your flower bed.?
    QVC sells it. Try their website.
    Reply:Anytime you want to buy something that's on TV, go to and type in: "product" as seen on TV. I did that. It's called the Roll N Grow Garden. Click the link below to buy it.
    Reply:try your local co-op and/or garden center
    Reply:If you don't have an Ebay account, you can go to

    It is called "Roll 'N' Grow Flower Mat Item # E5380 $19.98

    Friday, January 27, 2012

    Why is it impossible to use this year flower seed for plantation?

    Not understanding your question, are you asking why you can't use a seed that is harvested this year, and used immediately? If so, the answer is that it depends on the seed type. Some seeds need to be single dormant periods, others need double dormant periods. Some have odd seed coatings that require treatment (seed coat dormant), probably there because a lot of seeds need to pass threw the gut of a bird/ animal to "treat" the coat and ready it to grow. Most veggie's and annuals don't need a dormancy or treatment but you probably could check a good gardening encyclopedia for a list. Wyman's Encyclopedia has one and there must be one on line. Also look up "layering and stratifying of seed" and new regimens for dormancy which just use plastic bags in a common refrigerator.

    hot tags

    If fruits have seeds in them them what are seedless fruits and cultivated fruits considered?

    A fruit is the ripened ovary—together with seeds—of a flowering plant

    Where do cultivated %26amp; seedless fruits come in at

    example bananas in the wild have seeds in them while most bananas sold are cultivated and dont have seeds

    Are they still a fruit as well as other fruits that dont have seeds because of cultivation or genect modification.

    The defintion of fruits having seeds would exclude those right ?

    If fruits have seeds in them them what are seedless fruits and cultivated fruits considered?
    Still a fruit; no seeds due to genetic modification.
    Reply:That is NOT the correct definition to start with. A fruit is a ripened ovary, period. Seeds come from ovules within the ovary. Whether a fruit has seeds or not does not change the fact that it is a fruit. Please be aware there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet.
    Reply:That is an excellent question.

    They would be considered a "cultivar" of the parent variety and identified as such. So you might have a "Big Yellow" banana, cultivar an the cultivar would have something "different" ... in your example no seeds. It would remain a banana cultivar.

    It is good to be curious and ask these questions.

    BTW "Sandstorms_brother" has no clue what the hell he's talking about.
    Reply:No, that does not exclude these. The Cavendish bananas sold commercially have undeveloped seeds, as do the so-called seedless watermelons. Those are the small dark specks near the center of the banana. There are very few bananas in the wild, unfortunately, which is leading to a rapid loss of genetic diversity. Many species of them have gone extinct in the last few decades.
    Reply:Go ask your mother.
    Reply:A "seedless fruit"

    About Planting Rose Bush/planting seeds?

    I have have flower seeds that I am wanting to plant, and Roses in my grandmothers garden, Whats the best chemical/soil/ products that i can use when watering the flowers,

    ok about the Roses ,I have a bunch of snip roses with stems, I heard I can use some type of Root starter or growth Hormone, and special water to start a rose bush from a rose stem.

    any help would really be appreciated

    About Planting Rose Bush/planting seeds?
    1) Plain water works better than anything for starting seeds. Later, you can use a little fertilizer or compost. For flowering plants, the ratio of N:P:K should be about 1:2:1 or 1:2:2

    (as in 10-20-10 or 5-10-10)

    2) If your cut roses are from the florist, they've probably been treated with something like silver thiosulfate, and are not viable.

    This is a little late in the season to take cuttings in most of the US, but here's some information from the ARS:

    Remember that home propagation of patented plants is illegal.
    Reply:1. Go to this website, click onto the flower seeds that you have, scroll all the way to the bottom of the information page and read all about how to grow your seeds:

    2. Everything you need to know about growing roses from cuttings (with pictures):
    Reply:You can buy something called root tone (if I remember the name) which is a rooting hormone that will help promote root growth. However you need to clip it below a node where branches are starting to grow out (where it forks). Then just use regular potting soil and water. Roses do prefer a certain acidity but you can worry about that when they're larger. They sell fertilizer specifically for roses.

  • face cosmetics
  • I want to plant a little garden. What flowers/vegetable seeds should I buy that I can plant right away?

    (Meaning I can plant them in June and have vegetables or flowers by summer's end.)

    I want to plant a little garden. What flowers/vegetable seeds should I buy that I can plant right away?
    It's a little bit late for planting seeds (by the time they're mature enough to produce veggies, the season will be winding down). I would recommend finding starts at your local nursery (young plants, a little older than seedlings). Zucchini and other summer squash are easy to grow and will reward you with lots of food, and there's nothing quite like a tomato from your garden! Basil is also super easy to grow, as are most herbs. Wander the aisles at your local nursery and see what looks good! Good luck!

    When do you plant flowers in WI if you are using seeds?

    Normally I use flowers that are already grown early/mid june and plant them but this year I wanted to plant seeds. Can anyone tell me when the best time to do this is?

    When do you plant flowers in WI if you are using seeds?
    You can find out what zone you're in, and what your expected last date of frost is here:

    Once you do this, the back of the seed packets usually will tell you how early to plant them- usually 6-8 weeks before the last frost.

    I'm in Minnesota and I just started mine, so you should probably start yours pretty soon! Hope this helps:)
    Reply:after the last frost (your guess is as good as mine)

    you can start them inside in little pots now and then transplant when weather permits

    my fish

    I want to grow Texas Blue Bells from seed, but what part of the flower head has the seed?

    I dead headed some, then set aside to dry more-but the seed pod was still green at the base of the dead petals. Are the seeds going to be in the pod thingy or on the end of each petal?? I heard they were small but this is ridiculous! Where are they?

    I want to grow Texas Blue Bells from seed, but what part of the flower head has the seed?
    Seeds are contained in the fruits, which are the matured, ripened ovary of the flower. Chances are if you deadheaded, the seeds are too young to germinate. You'll want to leave an inflorescence or two on the plant till the fruit (=seed pod) starts to get dry on its own.
    Reply:You should not deadhead the flowers until all the parts (particularly the seed pod) are dry if you want the seeds. When they are dry, put the seed pods in a paper bag and let them dry some more. Then you will be able to free the seeds by crushing the pods with your fingers. The seeds will all fall into the bottom of the bag.

    Good Luck!!!

    Do you have great marketing ideas for flower seed pack party favors?

    I am a little confused....If you mean that you want to sell flower seeds as a party favor and are looking for a way to market them...I'd suggest wedding favors. It would be a cheap way for brides to give their guests a nice gift that they can enjoy for some time. You could sell it at Micheal's or online.

    Pumpkin seed/ sun flower seed germination?

    Hi, a silly question for you. I started my indoor plants like 4 days ago. I live in the north, so we need to start them pretty early. I might even be late for starting some of them. I also started a few sunflower/pumpkin plants. Last night I was bored, and thought I would try removing the outer shell from one of the pumpkin seeds and see if it would germinate faster. Sure enough, it has germinated overnight and already started to grow out a little root structure. The ones I left the outer shell on, still Have not started, but it does say 10-14 days for germination.

    So, my question, does removing the outer shell have any ill effects to things like pumpkin, squash, sunflowers? it seems like it could save a lot of time for starting plants, but is there any nutrition in the outer shell they will be missing or anything?

    Thanks for the help.

    Pumpkin seed/ sun flower seed germination?
    Yes, removing the shell may cause damage...

    The shell contains nutrients that the seedlings need in order to grow up to be healthy.

    Also the shell protects, the sprouts from being cut, squashed, and water rot.
    Reply:Great experiment!

    You'll know in a few days if the shell has extra nutrients. Youcould add the shell to the soil around the seedling, and you could use Miracle-Grow to give them a boost.
    Reply:Better simply to file a little of the edge at the top, not too much. This should speed things up and not cause any problems.

    As said earlier, the seed covering contains the nutrients that get things going before the tap root is big enough to draw in nutrients from the soil.
    Reply:I live in the north also. Sounds like an interesting experiment. I usually use heat mats which germinates seed at half or less the normal time. As for sunflowers %26gt;they do not transplant well. They grow very quickly in most soil types. Best to start from seed right where you want them. I plant them everywhere as they attract beneficial insects and make great food for birds, chippys and deer who love the leaves.
    Reply:It will stunt the growth of the plant and it will not flower properly and or not produce, "produce".

    If it would have worked im pretty sure it would have been figured out already.

    Good luck with them though

  • beauty consultant
  • How do you harvest calendula seeds?

    can you pick the seeds after the flowers die and dry them yourself inside or do you have to let them dry on the flower outside?

    How do you harvest calendula seeds?
    For viable seeds you will need to let the flowers dry on the plant...the seeds are not fully formed when the flower dies.

    When the seeds are dried store them in a brown paper bag...never use plastic to store seeds as they will mildew.
    Reply:I would pick them as they just start to die and store them.

    check the link below for harvesting

    horns costume

    What Three kinds of seeds do flowers produce?

    PLease give straight foward answers. i need it for my science lab and i cant find it anywhere!!

    Thanks!!! 10pts for best answer. First straightfoward answer wins!

    What Three kinds of seeds do flowers produce?
    ......theres only one type

    but a female and male gametes join together to make a zygote which forms the seed
    Reply:george bush

    Does anyone know a flower seed exchange?

    The above link is the Yahoo! group seed exchange


    Below are several web sites to check out.

    You might want to check out your local paper sometimes they have free forums that offer seed exchanges as well as the local garden clubs.

    Does anyone know a flower seed exchange?
    There are lots of heirloom ones out there. Try the non-profit below for a huge variety.

    Hiking Shoes

    I have a flowering plant that is seeding are there any special ways to plant the seeds?

    i want to plant these seeds but i dont know if i have to dry them or if i should wait till next spring? what can i do?

    I have a flowering plant that is seeding are there any special ways to plant the seeds?
    I need to ask you a question first...what kind of plant is it?

    In most cases, I dry the seeds in a glass jar. Since it's so late in the year now, depending on where you live, it's too hot and too late in the season to start another plant, UNLESS it's an indoor plant.

    Maybe wait until next year. I use the best potting soil I can buy and keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate. Then as the plant starts to grow, water only to keep the plant from drying out.

    Good luck...
    Reply:you should dry them out. lay them in your window seal and dry them, then put them into a zip bag and into a dark area. then,when spring gets here you can plant them.

    I sowed flower seed, sunflower varieties, cosmos, delphinium, johnny jump ups, impatiens will they die??

    I mulched over them with 2 inches of woodchip mulch! Can they sprout with mulch over them? LV Nev. It's 40 degrees at night 50 in the day. Help!

    I sowed flower seed, sunflower varieties, cosmos, delphinium, johnny jump ups, impatiens will they die??
    They may rot before they germinate. Now isn't the time to plant seeds outdoors (too cold). They are also planted too deep. 2" of mulch is quite a bit. Most seeds only need 1/8 to 1/4 inch of soil covering them. All you can do is hope and wait until conditions allow them to germinate...

    ...$Billy Ray$
    Reply:Your welcome Fae. And if they don't germinate, you can always reseed again...Billy Ray Report It
    Reply:well.. the sunflower and cosmos.. not to sure on the others.. especially the jump ups.. good luck
    Reply:Well, I was gonna suggest waiting til after the first frost is past. But since you're in Vegas, probably not much danger in that. Your seeds and seedlings should do just fine, especially if you've mulched them well. You probably want to pull the mulch back away from the seedlings. As long as the temps don't fall below 40 and there's no danger of frost, they should be ok.

    BTW, 2 inches of mulch is not a great deal. Depending on the seed type, they may be able to grow thru it. But they may sprout quicker with the mulch pulled back to allow sunlight to hit the dirt directly.
    Reply:start your seeds indoors under a plant light

  • lancome
  • Viking novelty chrysanthmum seed or flower?

    please do you know any website that sells the seeds for the viking pompon flower? thanks

    Viking novelty chrysanthmum seed or flower?
    Reply:I looked at that web site a long time ago, not what im looking for, they sell cut flowers, I would like to grow my own Report It

    How to grow marigold plants?.I mean using flowers or seeds?

    Is there any simple way,I mean without planting a sapling.

    At home in pots

    How to grow marigold plants?.I mean using flowers or seeds?
    These are among the easiest of flowers to grow.

    You can start them indoors from seeds 6 to 8 weeks before your last frost date. But it doesn't sound like you want to do this.

    So, sow the seeds directly in the ground after all chances of frost have past. Cover them with 1/4 inch of soil. Keep moist. Thin to about 8 to 18 inches apart depending on the variety.

    Or you can buy healthy green plants with no signs of wilting or disease from home %26amp; garden centers.

    Plant the plants you've grown or bought when the last frost has passed in full sun in well drained soil. Mulch to preserve moisture and suppress weeds.

    Protect from slugs and snails. They love these plants.

    Pinch off spent flowers to keep them flowering.
    Reply:I grow them by buying them already started from a nursery. I'm just not patient enough to do the seed thing!

    shared web hosting

    What seeds can i grow in my garden now and be ready to flower or eat in the autumn?

    Carrot. Autumn kings.

    Lettuce. they only take 7-9 weeks to be ready to eat.

    What seeds can i grow in my garden now and be ready to flower or eat in the autumn?
    If you enjoy flowers - for eating - you could try some nasturtiums or borage. Nasturtiums have a radish - peppery taste, borage has a watermelon - cucumber taste. Flowers from both plants are good eaten as snacks off the plant or in salads and sandwiches and some desserts.
    Reply:Since it is July and there are still 3 month of growing season left,

    I would suggest you go ahead with some winter lettuce of different types. Ask your local nursery and gardening center.

    Long time farmers girl and hobby gardner.
    Reply:None from seed that I can think of you've left it a bit late. May be you could get some tomato plants?
    Reply:Rainbow chard


    Winter lettuce

    Try a cloche for better lasting results

    Theres a store that has seeds for flowers on sale really cheap and I want to know is there a way to store them

    till next yr? how? or will they be any good next spring?

    Theres a store that has seeds for flowers on sale really cheap and I want to know is there a way to store them
    The seeds that a person buys at a store (in packets) are dry and ready for planting. I have collected my own personal favorites and dried them. When seeds are dry they will keep indefinitely. I have had seeds for over 4 years that I kept out in cool, dark, and dry that have sprouted. But those were not favorites. My favorites I keep in air tight containers in the freezer, this keeps them fresh longer. I had some in freezer for 10 years that I brought out thinking they were no good after that long, and they still sprouted. I am still learning though. I was watching educational channel when they were in the pyramids and found seeds. Out of curiosity they had planted some and they grew. So I guess as long as you keep them cool, dark, and dry they will keep for (how ever long they were in pyramids) a long time. good luck in your gardening experience.
    Reply:Store the seeds in their packs in a glass bottle in you fridge.

    Some seeds need cold temperatures to germinate next year and this will ensure they are chilled. All seeds stay fresh this way.
    Reply:Yes, you can store the seeds. I often buy seeds at the end of the season when they are on sale and store them. I have also gathered seeds from my wildflower meadow and saved them. I've had really good luck.
    Reply:They should keep fine until next year if you store them in a cool, dark, dry place such as an unheated garage, basement, or pantry. Certain seeds will not germinate as well the second or third year, but most seed packets have more than enough seeds in them, so this usually isn't a problem.

    I store my seeds in the basement in an old metal bread box which has a lid that fits just tight enough to keep out light and vermin. If you have any mice that move in for the winter, they might eat most of your seed if it isn't in a secure box (unless you're lucky enough to trap all of them before they find it).
    Reply:They will probably be just fine. Store them in a dry place. I have used some seeds that were a year old or more and maybe not every single seed will germinate, but most will.

    Do flowering plants form seeds even if they are not fertilized?

    If so, is there a way to tell if they are fertile or not?

    Do flowering plants form seeds even if they are not fertilized?
    Some species can. This is called "apomixis", and they may be fertile -- examples include dandelion (Taraxacum), hawkweeds (Hieracium), brambles (Rubus) and others.
    Reply:No, a flower must be fertilized for a seed to form.

  • bridal make up
  • How should I plant the seeds for wild flowers?

    I have some poppy and lupin seeds.

    How should I plant the seeds for wild flowers?
    rake the soil to loosen it. toss the seed into the soil. (sort of like feeding the chickens) you want them to look as natural as possible. lightly run the back of the rake over the soil and lightly water everyday till they come up.
    Reply:Just throw the poppy seeds down on scuffed up soil, or bare soil. Lupine are Biannual, won't flower the first year, will the second. Best started indoors on wet paper towel in a plastic bag. Transplant to pots when they sprout.

    Some people nick the seed coat and soak in water overnight, or sew them in the ground twice the depth of their diameter. Your choice.

    Any wild flower seeds planted directly in the ground want surface water daily, they'll tell you if you listen.

    I prefer the "throw down" self seeding kids. Have fun.
    Reply:As MartaZ suggests but the soil will need to be poor quality to avoid the seeds being swamped later by grasses and deep rooting perennials.

    rain roots

    Same seeds different type of container, very different shades of pinks??

    I planted impatiens inside in April, then I re potted to various containers(one tin one ceramic). the same seeds are flowering very different shades of pink in the different containers. The tin has a few separate plants growing with dull light pink flowers and the ceramic has a few separate plants growing with bright vibrant pink. Both were watered the same and used same potting soil? Does anyone know why this happens

    Same seeds different type of container, very different shades of pinks??
    Acidity and Alkiline of the soil.

    Hydrangeas are another example of this.

    Imported Flower Seed?

    Does anyone know how I can buy Imported Flower Seeds directly from a supplier? I am IN LOVE with Japanese Morning Glories, but I hate having to pay so much for so few seeds. I would rather 'Cut out the Middle Man' or whatever. I am getting a business license so I will have the option to buy wholesale, I just need some business names.

    Imported Flower Seed?
    I don't know if you've ever used Ebay, but it's easy and safe.

    Ebay has many Japanese morning glory seeds for sale so if you are interested here is that link. At the bottom of this site there are JMG seeds from Ebay stores at "buy it now" prices.

    Other online retailers:
    Reply:Click this link for a bunch of websites:

    How do I get rid of moss in my flower pot?

    I have a flower pot with dirt in it and no plants. Right now, it is covered with fuzzy moss.

    How should I remove this moss before planting some seeds into the flower pot?

    (I was thinking of plucking it all out by hand or scraping the top layer of soil off.)

    Do you have any suggestions for removal?

    Will it the moss prevent my flowers from growing?

    How do I get rid of moss in my flower pot?
    take all the dirt out ...clean the pot, buy new potting soil ...then plant your do have a drainage hole in the bottom of it i assume ? sounds like heavy, soggy, wet, soil...seeds don't like that they'll rot...also i'd suspect your pots is on the north side of where ever...try the morning sun, avoid noon sun ...throw in some osmocoat for go measure [time released fertilizer]
    Reply:You really need to dump all the old dirt out and start over. The old dirt has no nutrients left it for new plants. Use Miracle Grow potting soil. It has a fertilizer in it and your flowers will grow like crazy.
    Reply:If you would like to remove moss from pots, stones and statuary, simply scrub it off and keep the area drier.

    Can I buy seeds now and then save them to start seedlings for next years flowers?

    Here's the thing. I dont have alot of extra money but I like to have flowers in the spring/summer. I noticed seeds are much cheaper than packs of flowers. But I dont want to have to wait for them you grow this year. If I buy seed packs now of the flowers I want next year and then save them to start seedlings indoors around next March. Would they be to old by then?

    Can I buy seeds now and then save them to start seedlings for next years flowers?
    That's exactly what you should be able to do. The plants should produce seed and at the right time you should be able to collect the seed for next years crop. A good method of growing seed plants is to mark the individual plants you want to produce seed for you. Put a colored twist tie around the stalks of the plants that you will allow to flower and go to seed. Do not dead head these plants as you would the remainder of the crop. Harvest the seed heads on a dry day, hanging them in an airy, dry spot under a roof until the plants are completely dry and the seeds can be shaken or beaten out of the seed heads and pods.

    As far as saving seeds you purchased this year and saving them to sow next spring, you may find that method a little unproductive. Lots of annual seed is good for a limited number of years. Usually only one or two, perhaps as many as five or more depending on the seed variety. Seed germination rates tend to fall as time goes by. Perhaps the best way to preserve seed for extended periods of time is to put the seed packets in a closed plastic plastic bag and stick them in the freezer. One method of collecting seed for next years garden is to ask your friends and neighbours if they would allow you to collect seed heads from their plants. Often the plants that our neighbours and fellow gardeners grow are the ones that do well in our areas. Many flowers will seed themselves and if you collect the seed then sow it in the fall, in the spring those seeds will germinate and grow new flowers. I grow poppies, calendula, cosmos, johnny jump-ups, violets, forget-me-nots and several others that will seed themselves and grow every year with little help from me. If you have some good friends or generous neighbours perhaps they would allow you to take a root divisions from their flowering perennials, either now or in the fall. Perennials will establish themselves and produce beautiful blooms year after year with some feeding, weeding and general maintenance. I grow peonies, delphiniums, various lillies, day lillies, angelica, monarda, echinacea, lungwort, bleeding heart and various bulbs such as tulips, crocus and daffodils. All of the plants flower at various times of the season and continue to propagate new versions of themselves on a continuous basis throughout the growing period. Try trading some gardening time with your friends and neighbours for seeds and plant divisions. Not only will you end up with some fine plant specimens, you will get to know your neighbours better as well as learning more about various garden plants and various methods of gardening. Have Fun!
    Reply:Not all of them. It depends on what kind of flower seeds you purchase, the quality of the seeds, and even the storage of the seeds.

    Annuals are very cheap at Lowe's or HomeDepot, and they continue to bloom from April until late September, even in Pennsylvania, where I live. They increase the "curb appeal" of your home.
    Reply:Each seed has a limited amount of food it slowly feeds on while dormant to still keep it alive... the length of time that seed can survive is called viability... its different plant to plant... but your best bet would be to just wait... you can order seeds you wouldn't find in stores from the 2 sites attached...

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