Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can I use heavy plastic for landscaping?

The type of plastic that is used for windows in the winter is what I want to know if I can use it for landscaping. I also want to know if I can plant flowers seeds now and what kind.

Can I use heavy plastic for landscaping?
There are some good answers above..I think you've got your answer....NO !!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Thank you guys for answering my question in reference to plastic paper and landscaping. I really appreciate the help. Oh Im in Virginia. Richmond Va. I will not use it. Today I can take suggestions and appreciate them. Report It
Reply:Using plastic may change the ground temperature, and also might creat a bog garden, where the soil retains moisture and cannot drain. This is only good for some plants -- think flowers that grow along riverbanks and you will have a good idea of what I am referring to.

Right now is the perfect time to plant zinnias, allyssiuim, marigolds, viola, balsam, impatiens, petunias, nasturtium, etc. This is planting season! If you are new to gardening, pay close attention to the light conditions in your garden. Look at the back of seed packets to learn if the flowers require sun or shade and plant accordingly. There should also be a chart that shows the correct planting season for the enclosed seeds in your area of the country. Have fun!
Reply:Heavy plastic can be used, but what you use it for is very important. We have a serious nut-sedge problem. For me, it made more sense to use roofers plastic then cut holes where I wanted shrubs, etc. to grow. I also imported fresh soil %26amp; mulch to cover the plastic %26amp; have no trouble growing annuals on the top of the plastic.

You don't say where you live or the USDA zone you are in, however, there are seeds that will thrive in most areas is planted now. You can check with your local USDA extension office or the local nursery for assistance.
Reply:Depending on where you are using it!! is the main question!!! like on a slope.... the water will run down as it would normally!! and depending on what you are doing with it???? like around the house, for a flower-bed, rock garden??? So I say Yes it has its uses in some places as long as used right so it keep the water draining away from the house!
Reply:no... there is no way for water and oxygen to get thru to the soil below... and that makes for dead soil eventually....

seeds now need to be for plants that will bloom late, in fall... gallardia, aster, mum, that kind of thing....
Reply:No, plastic does not breath. to allow water and air to come to the ground. The sun shines through to encourage weeds. It is just not good for landscape fabric. Good luck

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