Monday, February 13, 2012

Does anyone have any Gurlie seeds.or know where they can be purchased.?

Gurlie(I am ot sure of the spelling. But they will produce a larg bushy flower plant with beautiful rose(red) type petals or flowers. YOu take these flowers, and boil them in water and they make a drink that taste like cranberries.

YOU have to add sugar if you want it sweet.theyse also will die down in the winter and come back up in the spring,

They used to be called florida cranberries.

Does anyone have any Gurlie seeds.or know where they can be purchased.?
Hibiscus sabdariffa

Common Names: roselle, Florida cranberry, Indian sorrel, Jamaican sorrel

Roselle is an interesting and beautiful plant in the home landscape. Fifty years ago it was widely grown in Florida as a summertime hedge and for its edible calyces. Place roselle where it will have plenty of room. This is a large annual, so thin plants to about 3 ft (0.9 m) apart. Feed and mulch well. In Florida, roselle is often planted in rows where it forms a dense hedge by late summer. If grown just for juice production, roselle is cultivated much like tomatoes, peppers or eggplants.

Roselle juice is similar to cranberry juice, but not as bitter. The calyces are harvested while they are still tender and juicy, about 10 days after the flowers appear. The plants will continue to flower and produce if kept picked. Remove and discard the seed pods from the calyces. Bring 2 quarts (1.9 l) of calyces and 1 quart (1 l) of water to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, then strain and use the juice with sugar to make a refreshing cranberry-like drink, or make jelly or wine as you would with any fruit juice. The strained pulp can be used for jam or pie.

Buy Roselle seeds for $4.00 at:

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